Free registration. Commission for purchasing a car is 250 euros
+37 060 780-220

Sanctions, answer questions. PROZAKAZ.COM

In addition to all sectoral sanctions and bans on the export of goods to the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus, banks do not credit funds from payers in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus to beneficiary accounts (recipients) in the European Union, United Kingdom, and the USA due to the prohibition on using the SWIFT system.
What to do? Is it possible to purchase a car or other machinery, goods in Europe or the USA? How to technically make the payment? Such questions have become routine, and our answers are outlined below.
For instance, suppose you win a car at an auction or find a car/good from another source. With a Schengen visa, you can legally cross the EU border and declare the import of funds, if necessary, providing an invoice from our company for the purchase of the car/good.
In the event of purchasing a vehicle that is not subject to EU sanctions, and after successfully passing KYC/AML checks, you can make a payment in cash at our office in Vilnius (up to EUR 5,000). Amounts over EUR 5,000 can be paid locally in Lithuania through a post office or bank counter. Such payments will require documents confirming the legality of the funds' transport across borders (declaration), a document confirming the origin of the funds, as well as a proforma invoice from our company in the payer's name detailing the specifications and cost of the vehicle or other goods.
Additionally, as of 18/08/2023, we accept SWIFT transfers from Belarusian citizens to our bank account at the Polish PKO Bank (our company's commission for such transfers is 2%). Alfabank from Belarus sends transfers (estimated cost of such transfer is around 600 BYB).

Sanctions Covering Auto Sales to Belarus:

Updated on 07/02/2024

According to the sanction decision 2024/1864, which came into effect on July 1, 2024, certain goods and services are under restrictions. Specifically, passenger cars under code 8703 (including sports cars and station wagons) and other machinery such as commercial vehicles and motorized equipment (including snowmobiles and jet skis) are subject to an export ban. Also prohibited are accompanying consulting, financial services, disclosure of trade secrets, licensing, and other services.

Exports are only permitted for vehicles with an engine capacity of no more than 1900 cc, which are not hybrids or electric, have a maximum clearance of up to 165 mm, and cost no more than 50,000 euros. For example, a 2020 Peugeot 5008 with a clearance of 236 mm is not eligible for sale in Belarus.

Sanctions Covering Auto Sales to the Russian Federation:

According to sanction decision 833/2014, certain goods and services are under restrictions. Specifically, passenger vehicles under code 8703 (including sports cars and station wagons) and other machinery such as commercial vehicles and motorized equipment (including snowmobiles and jet skis) are subject to an export ban. Also prohibited are accompanying consulting, financial services, disclosure of trade secrets, licensing, and other services.

Exports are only allowed for vehicles with an engine displacement of no more than 1900 cc, which are not hybrids or electric, and cost no more than 50,000 euros. Please also note that it is impossible for citizens of the Russian Federation to make bank transfers via SWIFT from Russia to Lithuania. As part of the control over such transactions, our company does not process other types of payments from citizens of the Russian Federation.

Do you have further questions? Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram +37060780220.

Адрес для покупателей. Офис. Торговая площадка. Склад временного хранения
Республика Литва
г. Вильнюс, ул. Гарюну 49; Автомобильный рынок "Гарюнай", площадка 405.
 +37 060 780-220
Юридический адрес компании
Республика Литва
г. Вильнюс, Ул. Гелвону, 2-105
+37 060 780-220
Адрес для покупателей. Офис. Торговая площадка. Склад временного хранения
Республика Литва
г. Вильнюс, ул. Гарюну 49; Автомобильный рынок "Гарюнай", площадка 405.
 +37 060 780-220
Юридический адрес компании
Республика Литва
г. Вильнюс, Ул. Гелвону, 2-105
+37 060 780-220